Hi, I'm Jason Johnson
I am a UI/UX Developer. I take pride in designing and developing responsive, performant, accessible websites and apps with empathy and care to deliver an enjoyable user experience. I enjoy building interactive web applications and love continously learning about frontend development as it evolves.
Recent Side Projects
Sudoku app built with React that can solve Sudoku puzzles. It allows users to create and play games. It has optional features that assist the user in solving the puzzle. I initially wrote the logic to solve the puzzles in vanilla JavaScript, and later converted the project to TypeScript.
Shopping List
Shopping list app built with Angular and Shoelace web component library.
Score Keeper
Score keeping app built with Svelte that can keep track of game scores for multiple players.
Lottery Numbers
Lotto game built with React that allows you to choose the total number of lotto numbers and how many you get to pick of those numbers. It shows the odds of winning based on your selection.